Thursday, May 03, 2007

Jesus Freaks, Keith Green...I wonder why?

I’ve been researching the Jesus Freak/hippy movement of the 60s, doing somewhat of a compare/contrast with the emergent church and I noticed that a certain name kept popping up. Keith Green. He was a bit before my time but from what I can tell he was basically the matt redman or dave crowder of his generation. I became a Christian in the 80s and I can still vaguely remember people mourning about this guy that they’d never met…keith green who’d died in a plane crash in 82. Why is this guy different? Why did he make such an impact into people’s lives? Why are people still talking about him? Some of his music and writings were published posthumously. Why? Why is he on myspace?
I don’t know. But here’s what I think. He was different. What I mean is that from my research I can clearly see that, like the apostles, he really strove to live out the teachings of Jesus, he really believed that Jesus was coming back…soon! He had an evangelistic urgency. He (as far as I know was one of the first) to not charge admission to his concerts. He bought the house beside his and turned it into a half-way house for addicts, prostitutes etc. Yea, this guy was different because, I think that he really believed that we were supposed to live out what Jesus taught. And did.


Blogger cindifarmer said...

oh yeah... Keith Green.... That was my very first Christian record... I had every song memorized... in fact I remember playing a Keith Green song on the piano in the band room in my junior high after school one day, and the janitor ran in because he recognized the song. From there, he became my first spiritual mentor and got me turned on to Keith Greens "Last Days Newsletter"... yep... Keith and Jim (the janitor)... they were the first people to model Christ to me... the aroma of Christ was all over both of them....

2:38 PM

Blogger John Lynch said...

I remember stories about Keith & had a couple of his albums as a kid. Cool guy. Nice to look back through history, both old and recent, and discover that legit hardcore Christ-followers have been around way before Shane Claiborne. Thanks for the encouraging reminder that what we're striving for isn't new... just new to us. Peace Bobby!

2:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I am always humbled and inspired by the Kieth Greens of the world. Thanks for this uplifting story. I'll check out his music.

3:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats wild. i too have seen his books and cds but never knew what the deal was for sure with him, but i do remember thinking that it was interesting that people were still buying CDs from a 70s Christian guy. Thx B.

3:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby I found these quotes:

"I repent of ever having recorded one single song, and ever having performed one concert, if my music, and more importantly, my life has not provoked you into Godly jealousy or to sell out more completely to Jesus!" — Keith Green

"You shouldn't go to college unless God has definitely called you to go." — Keith Green, 'Why YOU should go to the mission field', 1982.


9:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

B, your blog encouraged me to go into my garage and dig out his book. In the foreword its says this - "So this young man was sometimes blunt. He was funny. but he refused to accept the spiritual status quo. He was controversial. He was criticized. He was cut off by some and almost canonized by others-but he was Impossible to ignore. His life and work affected millions around the world. Although gone from us now, he impacted his generation like a spiritual H bomb, and the reverberations of his life, courage, and commitment will still be felt for generations to come." hey, i hope you at some point post your findings on the similarities and differences between the Jesus freaks and the emergent church. sounds interesting. I can drop the book off for you if you'd like.


9:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 16 year old daughter just auditioned for worship team at her Christian high school. She is REALLY good on electric, acoustic and bass and when I hear her singing her heart out to God upstairs, I am in awe. In answering the panel's questions about why she wants to be on this team she said to bring glory to God. She also told them that bringing attention to the musicians is so counterproductive and doesn't think they should even have a stage. Allen's quote about Keith Green's passion to provoke Godly jealousy and moving people to sell out to Jesus is how I'm praying my Liz will approach using her gifts. I'm going to to see if I can get some CD's for her to listen to. There are probably tons of cassette tapes out there!
Thanks Bobby for pointing us to the passionate ones!

9:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby, I googled him and like Allen came across some interesting quotes. "Keith was uncompromising in his call to follow Jesus, even when it made the rest of us uncomfortable" Amy Grant. Sounds like a really cool guy and I'm with you. It's pretty awesome that people are still talking about this guy. He seems to have really made a difference.

6:35 AM

Blogger Elley said...

Hi Bobby, Margaret sent your blogspot...and I just wanted to comment on this one on another wonderful songwriter who "went out like Elijah..." as one of his songs goes, who was one of my first introductions to contemporary Christian music...Rich Mullins. He was another talented musician and songwriter ("Awesome God") who really lived and walked the walk. I remember a radio interview where Rich was described as preferring to hang out with the food servers behind the scenes and go barefoot than be one of the "celebrities" recognized (and glamorized) at the Dove Awards. Though Rich's earthly life came to a tragic was our loss, but heaven's gain. I think it would be very cool to one day hang out in the part of heaven where all of those awesome musicians will be playing and the ultimate "Spirit Fest."! Elley

5:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bobby,
It is 1.00 am and I am in Singapore and I am listening to Keith right now as I type this. I have listened to Christian music for years - Michael W Smith, Amy Grant, DC Talk - but no one recorded music like Keith Green did. His lyrics are sung with a conviction and sincerity that modern record artistes often do not have because it came out from a heart and life that was lived completely for Jesus. I first heard "I can't wait to get to Heaven" and "The Sheep and the Goats" when I was a teenager and it blew me away. At first I thought he was just some ranting raving singer but do give it time and you will love the music. I just discovered some 'live' performances on youtube so you might want to check it out. If you like the music of Keith Green, try listening to some Steve Camp who was very inspired by the messages Keith had to tell the church. It has been 25 years; it is amazing that his timeless lyrics are still so relevant to our own personal walk with Christ. Wishing you all the best in your emergent adventure ...

9:48 AM


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