Sunday, December 17, 2006

St. Bono in tune on Christmas?

Rob Bell said, "There are people who talk as if they know everything about being a Christian and yet they can seem way out of tune. And then there are others who would say they dont know much at all about the Christian faith, and yet they seem very in tune with the song. Can you believe in God and be out of tune with the song? Does it work the other way around? What is more important to Jesus: what we believe or what we do?" (Rhythm).

The incarnation can be a theological jawbreaker...check out Bono's perspective. He said, "The idea that there is love and logic behind the universe is something i hold dear. The idea that it should express itself as a child born in s#$% and straw poverty is one that gives me a reason to get out of the bed in the morning. It's just mind-blowing to me. I came home once at Christmas, from tour, and i went to St. Patrick's Cathedral to hear the boys' choir sing the carols service. I was tired, not really thinking about it as an act of worship or anything. I was given a bad seat behind one of the pillars in this huge hall and couldnt really hear the words the choir was singing. So, to stop from falling asleep, as i hadnt been to bed in days, i concentrated on the (music) sheet in front of me, and it really did dawn on me how perfect it was that this thing we call God would choose to express itself as a child born in a barn, as we say here in Dublin. That's the most striking idea I think we could have of God. I think that wherever you look for God you'll still have to pass through that door of humility and that door of complete vulnerability that a child has." (Ten Eternal Questions by Zoe Sallis). I think he's in tune.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

B squared, I really like that quote from Rob Bell. When you were teaching on the Beatitudes at the Element retreat I remember you saying that you felt that some of the most arrogant people you'd ever met was in Seminary. At the time I didnt know for sure how to read you on that but now I do. I'm with ya BB (Zack too), Bono is in tune!

7:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bono is in tune but I wish he wouldnt use profanity It's not necessary and I believe it discredits him. But to answer Rob Bell's question, which is more important to God: what we believe or what we do I believe that the correct response is what we do.

7:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bono's comments both now and at other times leads me to believe he is a man of faith. In some ways I would see him with prophet like qualities.
My problem is he always seems harsh, maybe I am missing the kind side of him, that others see. Should not the character of a Christ follower be more Holy Spirit lead? If so the fruit of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control, Should be increasing.
Look I am thankful for bono's stand, and dedication. But i'm not ready to anoit him the model for which all believers should follow.


8:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats up broski? I really liked the what Bono had to say about being in tune. I think that god is always in tune but us as belivers can fall out of tune all the tim depending on the works that we have in our life. But that brings us to the first question about faith. I know that from the word of god it say that our belife is our faith and our works is our walk bro. So as long as you belive christ is god and that he was resurected than you can be saved, but at the same time we have to do works to keep our faith strong and to see the true kingdom offered to us.

1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kindof think that Bono is pretty is one of few rich (and by rich, i mean us included) people who actually lives Christianity.

and i love the fact that he uses 'profanity'. Jesus did too you know..."what washed tombs" "sons of hell" "brood of vipers" - all were rated R in His day.

6:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth...So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience; ... let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs..." St Paul, Colossians 3:8, 12, 16. I doubt if it matters if a person is an evangelical or a liberal--Anyone who thinks Jesus would be dropping f-bombs simply doesnt know the bible or the holy spirit...or both.

1:29 PM

Blogger W. H. Conner said...

LeisaGurl and AprilBreeze88,

I believe that the conservative "christian" propensity to focus on the word "shit" when used by a man who lets his life speak in a hundred other ways is indicative of a very bad place at which we've arrived as the Church. It actually brings up a much broader issue. Ask a non-believer what it means to be a Christian in America today, and the response will invariably be this profile: Right-wing, Republican, war-loving Bush supporters who treat restaurant servers badly, then tip poorly, if at all. The other half of the profile describes what we as Christians are to be "enraged" by: gays, abortion, stem-cell research, and about that order. Issues that Christ focused on, poverty, social justice, personal responsibility, and above all, love for fellow humans, fall way down on the priority list for this version of careful church goers. The saddest part of it all is that when we as the church are called on our hypocrisy, a huge majority of believers shrug the notion off as liberal ranting and ignore the "dissenters" to return to the latest Republican fund raiser. So Bono says "shit"...let's remove the shocked expressions from our pseudo-spiritual visages and thank God for those who may be a little coarse at times, but resemble Christ infinitely more than their ironic critics....

W. Hayes Conner

P-town, Arizona

11:03 AM


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