Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Like to Watch Worship

Someone once told me that I should keep my eyes closed but I like to watch. Seeing other people worship, for some reason, makes me want to worship more. I don’t know why - but it does.

My all time favorite is a keyboardist, Vanessa, in Buenos Aires. Even though she’s playing keyboards, half the time her hands are in the air. She cant contain herself. Like yesterday, I remember seeing Cate J at SBC standing up, all by herself, face glowing in a sea of about 500, standing alone and giving glory to God. This, for some reason, makes me want to worship even more.
Ive changed. The best thing about getting older is you care less and less about what people think. If the Holy Spirit leads me to raise my hands…I do. Kneel? Yes, Lord.

One of my summer jobs in high school was giving tennis lessons at the special Olympics. Balls and racquets were flying all over the place. Technically it was a disaster. But they were genuinely doing their best…even trying to keep score. Trying to do what I’d told them. Trying to make me, their coach happy. With hopes of affirmation in their eyes they’d ask “How’d I do?” “You did great!” I’d say. Jason F (Highlands) once told me that he likes to watch his youngest child dance…the fact that so much effort is going into pleasing daddy brings him great delight. I like to watch. I think God does too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to first you had me wondering where you were going with this one :O I also feel a little awkward watching but me too B. It really touches my heart when i see others worshipping. That was one of the things i liked the most about the James. I really liked the way you set the room up because it made it easier for me to see people expressing their love to God. I loved your illustration and I think youre totally right on. I think God smiles when we simply do our best to worship Him.

11:39 PM

Blogger nate hughes said...

I like looking at people when I'm praying for them...I always thought it was kinda creepy, but it really allowed me to think about them specifically as I was bringing them before the Lord...

The wierd day will be when someone likes looking at the person praying for them! I don't know if I could pray for someone eye to eye...

1:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picture this scene in heaven, "A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. Wearing white robes and holding palm branches they cry out in a loud voice along whith angels falling down on their faces and worshiping God - "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" (Rev. 8:9-12)

Yeah, I could watch that for a long, long time.

9:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

worship should reverantly honor God and please him but He also instructs us to do it in a way that edifies others. Not only does he like it when we praise him but it honors him most when it builds up others in their faith.

It's the too greatest commandments... love God and love our neighbor as our self. So worship should be a performance for God but also for others who God desires for us to edify.

So keep watching. Worship is for God but it's for you too.

9:17 AM

Blogger J.R.Hicks said...

I wish we weren't concerned with what people think about us. We know that the world is watching us, but why does that make us afraid? People are afraid that it's not cool to love God, or that people will judge us based on our belief. There are a lot of negative connotations associated with being a "Christian." We would rather not be judged by common views of what Christianity is instead of who we really are, so we hide our faith. We would rather conform to be acceptable to society.

I find this to be especially true in Scottsdale, where I live. It seems that this is a society of conformity. Scottsdale has a rapidly changing culture that doesn't have much of a foundation or values or tradition, like for example, Boston, or Chicago. In order to get ahead in Scottsdale, you have to be on the cutting edge - the next best thing. You've gotta have the newest car with the biggest rims and the biggest shades and the hottest girl. And don't forget the attitude.

Everyone seems to be trying to scratch their way up the totem pole of acceptance, but is this really a race to set oneself apart, or is it a race to keep up and fit in with the herd in the name of safety?

Do the successful and popular ones really attain happiness? I think not. Not only does Scottsdale perform more boob jobs than any other city in the world, there are more antidepressants prescribed here for our population than anywhere else in the world. So why is everyone so concerned with fitting in if it really isn't all that fulfilling anyway? Maybe people are more afraid of not fitting in.

So it's in this atmosphere that we Christians try to make our way. Do we go along with the rat race in order to feel accepted and feel safe? Or do we stand out and go against the grain to assert our belief? Do we talk about God with our co-workers? Do we raise our hands in church even though no one else is? Or do we kinda half way do it - like the people in the Sure commercials who aren't wearing deodorant?

We actually have something that is exciting -the GOOD NEWS! Let your light shine for all to see! They are watching! The world is watching! Perhaps we can inspire them as well. God's love is infectious!

6:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Bobby! I'm Simon from Argentina!
I thank God He uses your life to bring powerful Bible and Christian experience teaching in this e-blog!
I'm blessed by your words every time i read them!
Yeah, when we worship we connect with God, and it doesn't matter whether you keep your eyes shut or open, our relationship with HIm doesn't depend on such things. I love to see other people worshiping God, raising hands, and jumping. It's inspiring!
God bless ya!

4:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog today, and I have to say, I'm impressed. You say what I have felt. Especially in these last two posts. Thanks...for the honesty and the sincerity of it...

6:31 PM


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