Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Long Live the Queen?!

I happened to be in England w/ native Mike Breen during the Queen’s 80th birthday and I noticed that the evangelicals there absolutely loved and revered her. As an American, I don’t really know much about her except that, like Pope Paul II, she seemed old back when I was a little kid and that she’s the only person who comes to mind when I hear the term…”Queen of England”. What intrigued me was that the evangelical Christians in England were hopeful that she’d live another ten years because this would mean less time on the throne for Charles. “So, what’s wrong with Charles?” I inquired. I was expecting to hear something like, “he was mean to Lady Di” or “he wasn’t a faithful husband”, etc. But that wasn’t the concern.

The concern was the fact that the King and/or Queen of England is tasked w/ being a “defender of the faith”. “THE faith” would be Christianity. There’s a reason why there’s a cross, actually two, in the Union Jack. Like many nations in Europe, crosses in their flags represent the allegiance of their people to Christ. As it turns out, Queen Elizabeth II is a born again Christian and a godly woman! I’m embarrassed to say that I never knew that. Charles, however, like so many other Europeans, has renounced Christianity and has expressed his desire to be a defender of faith, but not “THE faith.” See the difference?

Historically, what happens in the UK, Western Europe ends up happening here. Today, only about 7% of the population attends church in the UK. Again, this is a place where many countries have crosses in their flags. Do you believe that we’ll look like the UK in about 20yrs or less. Is it inevitable? Does anyone even care? BTW, you can hear an interview w/Nigel Mallon, a Brit now living here and his perspectives Sat 11am-noon AM 1360. I think…you know how these things can go. Love ya, thx for reading, pls respond and Long Live the Queen!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you Bobby! RDHyndman

2:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sooooo there you are!! i heard that you had a super kewl new gig but you left without saying goodbye to all of us. i got a fwd spammed email and i feel kinda guilty that i didnt make a better effort to get out to hear you teach more. we really miss you a lot. your style was so you. i guess i just presumed you'd always be around. you made a big impact in such a very short time. please know that a lot of miss you and that you probably dont realize what an impact you made. so, do us all a favor and do myspace. come on B you can do it :) love

4:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its amazing to me that so many countries still have crosses in their flags. I heard that the new European Union wanted to write their Christian heritage out of their history books. youre probably right about us looking like the UK in 20 yrs or so and i'm guessing this explains the slow erosion of us losing our christian heritage such as taking prayer out of schools, removing the ten commmandments and "under God" from the pledge and all. i really mean this whn i say that (& im not patronizing u but) BB we really need more people like you. May God blow a mighty wind into your sails again.

4:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting.....I've always been intrigued by the British monarchy. I visited there and attended the Queen's Jubilee (25th anniversary?) parade in London. I would never have pegged her for a BAC....she's not very vocal about it. But I think we should pray Charles right into the kingdom.

4:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had Noooo idea that only 7% of the people in England go to church!!! That's really scary. God save the good to hear that she already is and I like what Carol said, Lets begin to pray Charles into the Kingdom. What are his sons like ... i know theyre hot but i mean spiritually? What do they believe? What about Di? Hey, if you know of any openings to be a missionary to the royals, especially the princes sign me up B.

8:52 PM

Blogger TowerAZ said...

I grew up with quite a chip on my shoulder, the "I'm better than my neighbor, so I'm okay" attitude. I just finished reading a not-so-new book called Angelwalk by Roger Elwood. It really brought out the heart of Christ, reading about how so many people are destined for hell but have no idea! I always felt like people knew right and wrong deep down, but I see now how deceived and blinded people are! It's up to us to pull back the veils and SHOW them what's real, that what they choose DOES make a difference in the end, life DOESN'T end in the pine box. My heart now cries for those unaware and I feel such pity like never before. Time is running out. Thank the Lord that it's not too late to reach people already! May God bless you and your comrades in your new venture to reach out to America's youth before we fall the way of England's 7%! We'll miss you at MVC.

3:14 PM


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