Thursday, March 29, 2007

R U Impressed?

What impresses you? Steve Nash busting a 3? Highlights in someone’s hair? BMWs? Yea, it happens to me sometimes too and I think its ok to be impressed. Recently I was in Hollywood to witness the taping of a pilot for a reality show and, unwittingly, I found myself getting impressed. “Hey, there’s Ben Stiller!” “Wow look the actual Hollywood sign!” “I played hoops on the courts used for white men cant jump.” But have you ever noticed that Jesus also got impressed?

This is what Jesus noticed:

A widow giving $2. $2 isnt going to make a difference in any church’s budget, but Jesus was impressed because, to her, even though it was only $2 - it was a true sacrifice to her. He took notice. Another time there was a Roman centurion who said to Jesus, “I’m unworthy of you to enter my house…just speak the word and I know it will happen.” Jesus said that he hadn’t even seen faith like that among the Israelites-people who had a history of experiencing God’s miracles first hand. The Greek uses a rare word that’s only used twice in the NT…”He marveled” (Lk. 7:9). Or what about Zaccheus (Lk. 19), a man short of stature who climbs a tree to see Jesus better. Think of that. A grown man climbing a tree like a little boy … to see Jesus (not Bono). And there’s the tax collector in Lk. 18 who beat his chest begging for God’s forgiveness.

Those are the kind of people that impress Jesus. I hope we can be more like them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus is impressed by humility. Quiet worship. Friendship with the least. And we are impressed wih our leaders' humility. Jesus washing those guys feet. Can you imagine how they felt? I love humble, transparent leaders. Like you BB. I saw it. No chest puffing, powering up, not being afraid of lay leadership. Humility is trusting God and stepping out of His way. Be blessed as you continue to quietly impress God.

7:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey B, I think I like this one the best!

12:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your thoughts on this. I hope to be more like the latter examples as well. Additionally, I strive to be like Jesus in that I am very impressed with genuine sacrifice, true humility, great faith and repentent hearts. In my opinion, many, being impressed with those things, can initiate a change in our culture and draw eyes to Jesus. What if your latter examples were suddenly all the rage in Hollywood? The sobering reality is that one day we will each be held accountable for all we've done/desired here on earth, and that stirs in me a desire to keep my eyes fixed on things above. (For which, I will depend on much divine help :0)

8:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. You know, you should be a writer :)

9:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What impresses God and Christ is very different and often the opposite of what impresses people. We are so consumed with power, prestige, wealth, looks, possessions, etc. But as the LORD told Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." [1 Sam. 16:7]. God is not impressed by our looks, position in life, etc. but is impressed with hearts of men like David. People with hearts that are contrite, humble and repentant. Since this is what impresses God, Christ's command to "follow me" is not only an admonishment to obey His commandments, but to love others as He loved them. It also implies that we are to consider peoples hearts and not who they are or what they possess. In essence this means we should be most impressed with people who have more Christ like character which is demonstrated through their attitude, actions and words.
Dr. Terry Swanson

9:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a writer Kimcme! Luv ya Bobby, RD

10:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would most definatly agree, the glitter, the glam the lights and the ACTION! Hollwood is a double edged sword, so much good could come out of there but so much bad does come out of there. I call Hollywood the new and improved Babylon. Hollywood makes the impressions of the world. The stars influence by impressing, for example, people try to starve themselves to get skinny, people spend tons of money on fashion to impress, drive a certian car buy a certian watch, sunglasses ect:::::: Hollywood steers the masses, but is it from God? I think not, maybe theres some God fearing people there but mostly self seeking people into themselves. Hey people! Heaven is way better than Hollywood! We get golden streets! We get a mansion custom built for us! We get a pearly gate with a circle driveway!! Any car we want, if your still driving? I'm flying!! lol.. We won't need clothes, so fashions not a problem... Just kidding! But we do get brand new bodys!!!! Now tell that to the plastic surgions in Hollywood. "Hey Mr. Plastic Dr. I won't be needing that face lift after all I'm born again and when I die and meet JESUS I'll get a whole new body!" He'll think your nuts. But were not!! OKAY I'm done, you get the point I could ramble all day. Just keep the faith no matter what. Watch yourselves out there and stay true to your Lord Jesus The Christ! God loves you all!

kevin SS

7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bobby....

Where are my comments?

9:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me cry at work.

Happy Good Friday Friend.


4:28 PM

Blogger Kyle DiRoberts said...

Would it be okay to be like those people...AND be like Steve Nash busting a three!?? Cause that would be cool too.

with affection,

7:29 PM

Blogger Bobby said...

Yes...both and, not either/or. see you monday. and i hope youre impressed w/the monte carlo.

10:14 PM


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