Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My 3 Enemies

There are some who have become enemies because of my sin or theirs. Here all I can do is apologize and ask for forgiveness and seek reconciliation, Mt. 5:23-24. Or if I feel I have been wronged I can let them know how I was hurt. The ones who become “enemies” are the ones who refuse to extend true grace. I cannot really help that. Now the spiritual ball is in their court, not mine.
The 2nd group of enemies is produced by no other reason than the fact that some people simply don’t like you. Our personalities may grate them the wrong way or perhaps they don’t like my jeans, taste in music, worship style, non-essential christian doctrine (4 or 5pter; pre or post trib) or philosophy of ministry. I believe this group is the most ridiculous. I strive to never allow these things to develop enmity but again, I cannot really help it if they don’t reciprocate.
The 3rd group of enemies is the result of our walk with God. For example, the biblical model of Jesus as the only way of salvation (Jn. 14:6) is the equivalent of waving a red flag to a bull within a relativistic and pluralistic culture. The warm fuzzy Jesus is more preferred than the one who also demands Lordship over every area of our lives. Regardless, you know where I’m going…Jesus said, “”Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Mt. 5:44. Are you sure Jesus? Those are some pretty mean people! They should get what they deserve. Loving our friends is pretty easy but … our enemies? Yet, we must learn from the love of Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit, I believe, can help us here. I personally don’t think God expects us to be a door mat and that there are simply some toxic people that I have a complete peace about avoiding. For ex. note how David didnt return w/Saul in 1 Sam 24:22 (no more javelin practicing on me) yet I must still love them. I must do the right thing even when the wrong thing happens. There is no reward for doing what the world expects (see Mt. 5:46) Jesus expects us to reflect Him and His ways. May God, the Holy Spirit help all of us in living this out.. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God (Mt. 5:9) I guess the non-peacemakers will not be called “children of God.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thx for breaking it down into the 3 groups. I have never really thought of it that way before. That's hard stuff. The sun shines on the good and the bad and so should we. Thanks for making me think.

8:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I guess that reading between the lines this means that even you have an enemy or 2? hard to believe someone like you would but it makes me feel good.

8:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the most interesting thing to me is that Jesus points out that we will have enemies and that its something we should expect. I totally agree with you about the 2nd group and think that simply reflects immaturity. HARD Stuff to live out.

8:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said sir.

if there is one statement of Christ that all would say they fell short at, it would probably be in regards to our enemies.

look forward to seeing you sometime soon.

10:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent and astute observations Dr. Brewer.
We like to think that they are all group 3 but we probably have more in 1 & 2 combined than in 3.
Dean H

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes means
accepting others in their
indifference, rejection or hatred,
allowing them to remain
as they choose to be,
no matter how
unjust, mistaken or tragic.

is knowing
when this is
what love demands.

6:13 AM


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