Sunday, December 17, 2006

St. Bono in tune on Christmas?

Rob Bell said, "There are people who talk as if they know everything about being a Christian and yet they can seem way out of tune. And then there are others who would say they dont know much at all about the Christian faith, and yet they seem very in tune with the song. Can you believe in God and be out of tune with the song? Does it work the other way around? What is more important to Jesus: what we believe or what we do?" (Rhythm).

The incarnation can be a theological jawbreaker...check out Bono's perspective. He said, "The idea that there is love and logic behind the universe is something i hold dear. The idea that it should express itself as a child born in s#$% and straw poverty is one that gives me a reason to get out of the bed in the morning. It's just mind-blowing to me. I came home once at Christmas, from tour, and i went to St. Patrick's Cathedral to hear the boys' choir sing the carols service. I was tired, not really thinking about it as an act of worship or anything. I was given a bad seat behind one of the pillars in this huge hall and couldnt really hear the words the choir was singing. So, to stop from falling asleep, as i hadnt been to bed in days, i concentrated on the (music) sheet in front of me, and it really did dawn on me how perfect it was that this thing we call God would choose to express itself as a child born in a barn, as we say here in Dublin. That's the most striking idea I think we could have of God. I think that wherever you look for God you'll still have to pass through that door of humility and that door of complete vulnerability that a child has." (Ten Eternal Questions by Zoe Sallis). I think he's in tune.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Me too Amy

No lobster, no limos, no fancy napkins …no dirty dancing. White water rafting outside the Andes and playing tennis on the clay courts of Argentina were certainly highlights but one was higher. Earlier this month I was invited to do a wedding for some friends of mine, Sergio and Daiana in Argentina. I have a love-hate relationship with weddings. I’ve honestly lost track of how many ive been too, but probably about a 100 (seriously). I hate the same old/same old and yet I absolutely love how it illustrates the return of Jesus for the Church and always imagine what That party is going to be like. This Argentina wedding was, for me, one of the better illustrations of that because it was simple and it was (for lack of a better word) pure. And I’m not just talking about the fact that the women were dressed classy, not sensually. Nor was anyone tipsy from too much alcohol. What I’m talking about is the love and simplicity in it. It was outdoors and began at 8PM, but because it was in Argentina it actually started at about 9:10PM. The anticipation of the bride’s arrival was more intense than any suspense thriller or world cup match but, she didn’t get out of a limo. It was a regular car yet she radiated when she stepped out. By 1am Orion was perfectly overhead and not far from the wedding site was a river running down from the Andes, which sounded (I know this sounds like a romance novel but I’m not exaggerating), but this river sounded something like wind chimes. They partied until 3am, but without alcohol. The decorations were hand made mostly from magnolia tree branches. Most of the women’s dresses were hand-made and they were beautiful and classy. On the trip home i was sampling some old WoW cds for ipod download and came across an old Amy Grant song, that i'd somehow overlooked the lyrics all the other times i'd heard it.
Simple Things:

“I remember how I used to want it all
Funny how the big things seem so small
I dream of simple things
I can believe in
Like the feeling this day brings
True love and the miracle of forgiving
I believe in simple things.”

…you know what? Me too Amy.