Saturday, June 13, 2009

AntiSemitism and Evil

There's only about 12 maybe 15 million Jews on a planet of over 6 Billion and yet every day i hear about them or Israel in the news. There's hardly a month that goes by that i dont hear about the holocost, anti-semitism, or terrorist-type attacks against them. I know that like any culture/society they are not perfect and yet...why? Why do we keep hearing about such a small people group? I mean in comparison it would be like hearing about connecticut and the people who live there every day. When i was in Auschwicz i learned that in his final days hitler actually turned the heat up on the prisoners there, i.e. knowing the americans were coming from the west and russians from the east he tried to kill as many as he could. i think that perhaps one of the reasons that there's such widespread anti-semitism is that if they are wiped off the planet, as some desire to do, it makes God a liar in that there are still some unfulfilled prophecies for the jewish people that have yet to be fulfilled. thus, i wonder if this is why satan is so dedicated to their destruction. just a thought.


Blogger greg & amy said...

your last thought was an interesting one...I got a chance to go to the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Fran last month and it was so informative and fascinating.

9:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think it's because they (we) claim to have the ONE true God? To a nonbeliever that must sound pretty arrogant.
Do the modern day Jews think of Christians as a weird cult? My water exercise teacher makes it a big point to get OUT of the pool everytime the song "Our God is an Awesome God" comes on so she can skip to the next song. I would venture to say there are more Christians in the class than Jews. What's that about???

2:52 PM


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