South America Calling

It seems God places different desires in our hearts. Some of my friends are very compelled to go to the Holy Land, others have "always wanted" to visit Africa. For me, I've always wanted to simultaneously visit and minister in South America. While planning to take a group of 30 friends to serve with a church in Buenos Aires this August an interesting opportunity developed. A friend of mine (Damon Crim) who served as a missionary to Paraguay for 2 years invited me to travel with him to visit Paraguay prior to Argentina where he'd follow up on the work that he initiated there. And then, following our trip to Argentina to visit Brazil (the amazon & rio d j) to prayerfully explore the possibility of serving there at some point in the future.
There's a little more. During all of this, some friends of mine from CitiChurch, Greg & Amy Brill have accepted the call to serve as full-time missionaries in Ecuador. I want to develop a long term relationship with these guys and so, Lord willing, we will visit them too and explore the possibility and costs of sending teams there in the future.
There's still more. Vanesa, a good friend of mine in Buenos Aires is starting a school of the Arts for the children of low-income families where children, who under normal conditions would never have the opportunity, will receive professional training in painting, vocals, keyboards, etc...which begins in August.
I'm telling you all of this because of 2 reasons.
1. Pray for me. We'll be traveling to some of the largest cities as well as some of the most remote places in all of South America this August. Pray for God to give His angels charge over us and that we will be a blessing and encouragement to those we encounter.
2. Capital. I'm not embarrassed to tell you that all of the above costs $, but a friend of mine has offered to help make these ministry dreams a reality by hosting a "Celebrate Argentina" party on Sunday May 6, 6-9pm at the Inza Cafe in Scottsdale (Pima Crossing) which will feature argentine folk music, appetizers, food, coffee and lattes. We'd like to ask for $15 a ticket, all 100% of which will go towards funding the team's expenses and towards Vanesa's school and its all tax deductible. But, please do not feel obligated. Your friendship and prayers are always a blessing. But, if you can help financially with these dreams it would be greatly appreciated.