Sunday, November 28, 2010


"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15 is a verse you've probably heard before and its one that i've even quoted at funerals I've officiated. But, very little seemed precious to me on Oct 19, 2010 when my precious mother went to heaven. I've completed over 125 hours of post grad study, mostly in theology, read the bible cover to cover numerous times and so i know all of the right answers but now the verse seemed to haunt me. For most of my life the Grim Reaper has been kept at bay; it was always someone else. now it was me. Over the years ive even come across people who are angry at God due to a loss yet if it were ever up to us i doubt if we would ever want to lose anyone we love. Earlier this week i was cleared to mountain bike "beginner" trails and so it was on thanksgiving day that i chose to burn a few carbs on the promenade trail in the mcdowell mountains. I had it all to myself. Near a summit, just yards away, several harris hawks were enjoying the thermals and seemingly enjoying the trail and views along with me. i stopped to try and take a photo but they were camera shy and glided over the range, out of sight. But while stopped i chose to enjoy the view (all of the verde river basin, all of fountain hills, and most of Scottsdale). and the verse came back. My mom (Shirley) and i regularly talked about heaven and she had often told me that when she went to heaven to remember that i'd always know where to find her. There on that trail the verse went from my head to my heart as i owned that God was (and always is) in control. He knows all the whys and, whether i like it or not, He's always right on time. Instead of continuing to bemoan her graduation i began to marvel at how fortunate she is to be in the Celestial city and at how blessed I am to be able to one day join her. I know where the Promenade trail leads. But, more importantly I also know where the Jesus trail leads. Jesus always leads to Heaven. He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6). I know where she's at and i know exactly where to find her. I am one day closer.