Left Behind in Argentina

Its true...several Sundays ago (Aug 2) they forgot about me and i got left behind all by myself at a Christian campground.
i had a lot of different feelings about it. i have often wondered what it was like for Adam to have the whole planet to himself and it simply wasnt the same without the people. when i realized what had happened; seeing the final bus leave and no one at the cottage beside me i walked over to where we ate etc. To a degree, it was very serene being there all by myself. Not even
"Smiley" the dog was to be found. On the way back it was truly like a movie set for "Lord of the Rings". It was getting dark, the trees didnt have any leaves and i heard a hawk or something screech just like a Ring Wraith :0 i quickened my pace just a little. when i got back to my lodge I was amused to find that a cat had some how found a way in!! it was just sitting there on the couch enjoying the fire and i thought, i might as well too. i put some wood on the fire, played with the cat some and watched the flames. i was thinking that a campfire is sort of like ancient television in that you just sit there watching the different hues in the colors, listen to the sounds of the wood crackling, and enjoy its warmth.
At this point i realized that it was official: i'd been left behind! i actually practiced my message (that i gave on Aug 8/9 at CoG), did my devotions, journaled, prayed out loud, and took a nap. i let the cat stay in and every now and then it would climb on to my lap as if to say, "its ok". About two hours into it the people who supervise the place came over and asked in spanish, "why are you still here?" i used every spanish word i knew and they returned a few minutes later with some mate, dessert, and a phone. the only phone numbers i knew were jorge's home number and that of the church and no one answered at either. the only consolation i had was knowing that I Knew that Jorge Knew that i was supposed to speak at church. So, i surmised, at Some point Someone would notice that i wasnt there! but then i had a mini panic attack and thought "but maybe they will think there was a mix up and that i was at one of the other sites...castillo or rivadavia!" :O being tired from praying and preaching to the cat, at that point i contemplated just taking a long hot shower and going to bed. i'm serious.
but right about this time, as i was taking off my shoes, the cat looked up from the sofa at me and meowed as if to say, "its going to be ok." Now i know that this part sounds cheezy and as syrupy as a the ads for a marriage conference but here's what's interesting-i had no food for the cat. all it wanted really was my attention-my time. at that point the Holy Spirit hit me like a mike tyson punch or an andy roddick serve..."Hey Bobby, I just want some of your time. I just want some of your attention, that's all" And so there, in Maximo Paz, all by myself except for the cat, which i named "Tiggerina", and God i spent some time just sitting by the fire and listening to God. Approximately one hour later Mariano showed up.
"And He (Jesus) said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest awhile." Mark 6:31