Thursday, November 30, 2006

Damon went over the Wall

I don’t know if its true or not but there is a legend that as the Muslims were coming over the walls of Constantinople (The Christian Capitol of the Eastern Empire) the theologians were in an actual ivory tower, vigorously debating how many angels could dance on the pin head of a needle. So, as they were debating the theological controversy of the day, the capitol of Christianity was being invaded just blocks away. I think it’s happening again. On Sunday I am going to hang out with Damon Crim. He walked away from a perfectly fine job and comfortable lifestyle to go and share the good news in Paraguay for the past 2 years. He went over the wall. That is, rather than becoming a keeper of the aquarium and debating the most nutritious type of fish food, he chose to devote the past 2 yrs to improving the lifestyle of low income families and sharing the good news in Asuncion, Paraguay. Of course God doesnt call all of us to become missionaries or to go into full time vocational ministry, but I only wish guys like him would get more press. I think we should pay our dues and study theology but eventually we need to get on with our lives and the mission (cf. Lk. 19:10). Not that we never should, but what I mean, is that rather than spending the Bulk of our lives debating 4pt and 5pt Calvinism, worship preferences, and what is emergent, I wish we would all go and learn from a Damon because rather than just talk it, he… and guys like Nate Hughes, Grant, Dan Kimball, and many many others, etc went over the wall and into the field. Just my opinion.

I’m going to be kicking it in Argentina for awhile and off line for most of Dec, So, I’ll have to blog at you later.
Merry Christmas.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A Mop Changed My Life

I think the personal testimony approach to evangelism may be falling on some hard times. i experienced this in england and at venice beach, ca. I came home kinda late the other night and when i turned on the tv to unwind a little there was a woman talking about how a mop had changed her life. she was quite convincing. If i were a mopper i'm pretty sure i wouldve purchased one. then, this morning i turned on discovery channel and people were talking about how a ladder had, you guessed it, "changed their life". "No one can argue with your story!" you may be thinking or "what about the blind man of John 9?!" Yea, i know fact ive even been teaching that approach for years. knowing how to share your story is a timeless truth that will always be important and useful. All i'm saying is that i think postmodernism has deconstructed some of its once sacred value. Mops, ladders, vitamins, Jesus...can all change your life. i'm starting to wonder if depending exclusively upon the personal testimony approach is the next 4SL. I dont know, but I was talking w/Jason Fritz (Highlands) about this last night and we both felt that yea, the winds are beginning to blow a little differently. something to pray and think about.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

UFOs...ever seen one?

Back in 97 I was an eye-witness to what's known in UFO lore as the "Phoenix Lights" incident. If I wasnt for the fact that I was a follower of Jesus, I'm not sure how i wouldve ultimately processed it. Basically, i and thousands of other valley residents, saw something that simply didnt register with my known knowledge of aircraft, aeronautics or astronomy. At the time very little was written on the UFO phenomenon from a Christian perspective and so most of my research was purely old school. I came to a few of the following conclusions:
1. people really are seeing things (I know, I was one) that dont make sense. 2. UFO does Not = Extraterrestrial. Just bc i cannot initially explain it is not good grounds to conclude its a spaceship...that would simply be sloppy thinking. 3. The trail of the phenomenon, not always, but very often leads to the occult, and 4. There is clearly a spititual dimension to the Phenomenon...I personally do not believe that its of the Holy Spirit and 5. I dont think it does but if life does exist on other planets -God is there creator too (see Gen 1:1).
If you have a minute check out the article on