Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Emergent...a 4 letter word?

As the "guidance pastor" of flood the desert, an "emergent" church in Scottsdale, AZ I surprisingly continue to get emails from my friends in more modern churches who are concerned that "emergent" = liberal, compromise, theologically shallow, etc. First of all, while that may indeed represent some it certainly doesnt represent all or i would even say it doesnt rep the majority of us. BTW, its interesting that they never lob these concerns to mainline denom churches who did this yrs ago. I would like to put some of your worries to rest. Know, that most of us are theologically sound. We hold fast to essential christian doctrine. We're simply different in our worship and outreach preferences. Think of it like a missionary. Would you really try to impose the worship preferences or teaching style preferences upon other nations? I would hope not. We believe in the Bible and while we may deliver it (preach) differently doesnt mean that we havent done our exegetical homework. So...its missional. Thats all.


Blogger nate hughes said...

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1:55 PM

Blogger nate hughes said...

I love you bro! I totally agree. Czech out my latest post on the emergent church. I can't wait to see you in Nov! Peace.

1:57 PM

Blogger Ordinary Radical said...

Yo Yo Yo....

I am at my missions retreat in Orlando and what was the hot topic today---emergent church. It was interesting. I heard things like

"It is just a fad---it will be gone soon enough."

"McLaren (Brian) has fell off his rocker theologically."

Hum? It was quite insightful. What emeregnt bashers dont understand is that postmodern gen xers and beyond arnt going away--and as long as we arent wiped off the face of the earth we are here to stay....

To know God relationally...intimately...and as John DelHousaye says...a "Faith Practices...."

6:16 PM

Blogger cindi said...

Your heart reminds me of Paul's when he was in Athens (Acts 17)--how he used their own culture to relate the message of Christ. Isn't that the beauty of it?? That the person of Christ, and all that He stands for, can pierce any culture, and be relevant to any person. Press on, my friend.

2:31 AM


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